Carole Biers
Carole graduated magna cum laude from Chapman University with a BFA
in Dance. While in college, she performed at the American College Dance Festival, Dancing under the Stars Festival, and Los Angeles Dance Invitational. Living in Los Angeles, Carole performed with companies such as Odyssey Dance Theatre (based out of Utah), Invertigo Dance Theatre, Hart Pulse Dance Company, and Nickerson Rossi Dance Company. With Sophie Olson and her company SODE, Carole worked on a Music Video Promo for the Fox television series “New Girl” starring Zooey Deschanel, the music video “I Could Have Been Your Girl” with She and Him, and the music video “Use to Be“ with Yael Meyer. While in New York, she had the opportunity to work with Ensemble Dance, Ralmark Artistires, and Athena Reich Lady Gaga Impersonator. Carole is glad to be back in Los Angeles and working with Kairos Dance Company as well as CMDC (Contemporary Modern Dance Collective). Carole is currenlty in reheralsal for Kelly Alvarez and Artists' evening-length performance at the Peery's Egyptian Theater in Utah.